Eco Car Reviews

Lexus NX 300h F Sport 2019 Radio Review

Lexus NX 300h F Sport. – As soon as we started to drive the Lexus there was an familiarity about the experience that was comforting and the near $68,000 pricing is certainly not outrageous.  Lexus prides itself in providing prestige without going over the top in price. […]

Eco Car Reviews

Hyundai Ioniq Review

Hyundai has launched its first electric vehicle onto the Australian market, the Ioniq. While you can also get it as a hybrid or a plug-in hybrid, Hyundai believes that the biggest sales, about 50% of the vehicles, will be the full electric models. […]

bmw i8 roadster
Eco Car Reviews

BMW I8 Launch Review

BMW is at the forefront of 21st century mobility development. It is no longer about people relying solely on a fossil fuel powered personal transport option. There will be a mix of personal and public transport […]