EV decision – The High Court’s decision to strike down Victoria’s ill-considered electric vehicle tax is a win for Australian motorists, a win for the environment, and a win for the national interest, according to the Electric Vehicle Council.
A majority of the High Court today ruled in favour of two Victorian drivers electric car drivers, Chris Vanderstock and Kath Davies, who argued Victoria’s road user charge was unconstitutional. It is expected the decision will prevent other states from pursuing plans to introduce road user charges on electric vehicles.
EVC chief executive Behyad Jafari said the High Court ruling would pave the way to better policy across the nation.
Road User charges – EV decision
“There is nothing inherently wrong with road user charges, but they should never be calibrated to discourage the take up of electric vehicles,” Mr Jafari said.
“The electric vehicle industry warned the Victorian Government this policy was muddleheaded years ago, and the offer has always been on the table to work with the state on a more sensible approach.
“Any road user charge scheme should be national and we now look forward to working with the federal government on sensible road funding reform, without singling out drivers who are trying to do the right thing.
“Any scheme should apply to all vehicles and should take into consideration the economic cost of emissions.
“Australia’s priority should be on boosting the transition to EVs and decarbonising our transport system. There is no need for Australia to be dependent on imported oil today.
“Road funding is also an important consideration for government, but we should approach issues in the right order.
“Allowing states to simply shake down EV owners for a bit of extra tax is a retrograde approach, and I’m very glad to see the High Court slamming the brakes on that today.”
Editors note
We firmly believe that all road users should be allowed to choose the vehicle that suits them and pay a fair rate for road usage.
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